Sound has always been regarded as a form of sacred energy, capable of influencing the mind, body, and spirit.
The Sankalpa, the intention of the second retreat, will be focused on the sense of taste, in relation to the second chakra, Swadhisthana, also known as the sacral chakra.
The sense of HEARING is intimately connected to the fifth chakra, Vishudda, known as the chakra of intuition. Hearing brings us back to the here and now, to the present moment.
The sense of SIGHT is associated with the third chakra, Manipura, known as the chakra of willpower.
The sense of TOUCH is closely related to the fourth chakra, Anahata, also known as the heart chakra.
Sense of smell, in relation to the first chakra, Mooladhara, the root chakra, our oldest sense.